There are are many ways to speak about those who are caught in a lifestyle of abusing drugs and alcohol…. addict, alcoholic, junkie…but at the Living Hope Recovery Programme…we call them HEROES!
Why are they heroes to us? Because it takes courage to ask for help. It requires putting aside shame and guilt, and exposing vulnerabilities. It takes both desperation and courage to walk though our doors. Clients arrive from prisons, living on the street, gangs and many other desperate circumstances. But despite the broken families and sad situations in their past, clients recognize that they want something better for their future! Often afraid and totally bewildered, they come to us, admitting to many failures, riddled with guilt, simply asking “Please can you help me”? At the Recovery Programme we teach them that each of us, no matter our past, comes to Christ with the same desperation, asking that same question, “Please can you help me”?
The Recovery Programme Provides:
- A structured programme of recovery from substance abuse and addiction
- After Care Support Groups for clients and their families
- Awareness & Prevention Programmes

The programme is divided into three components namely, Phase 1 (Admission) Phase 2 (Treatment) Phase 3 (Re-integration). A further component was added this year called Way to Work (Getting a job and keeping a job)
Phase One is the starting place for relationships to be built with clients. Issues of ambivalence and denial are dealt with, both of which are barriers to recovery. Motivation to get over these initial obstacles often comes from the inspirational stories shared at the graduation ceremonies of other clients who have completed the program successfully. The element of community service increases motivation – taking responsibility for, and completing the various tasks assigned to them.
Phase Two is the formal structured treatment phase of the programme. In-depth lectures and individual counselling are the key features of this phase. Other activities include therapeutic arts and crafts, or structured recreation with a specific focus on physical, mental and emotional recovery.
Focus groups have been another very effective part of the programme. Guidance and mentoring that pertains to issues specific to a client’s gender or family structure, such as the lack of positive role models, particularly father figures. This is a safe place to ask meaningful questions and positive feedback is received regularly from clients after a focus group.

We also host a twice-monthly “Family Day” on a weekend which has been very well received and affords an opportunity for families, friends and client supporters to understand the disease of addiction and the important of ongoing support.
Phase 3 Treatment is provided in the form of ongoing support. Treatment without long term support offers a limited prognosis for sustained recovery. Spiritual, emotional and physical support are vital components of recovery. Clients are taught that their recovery rests on three legs namely: Spiritual growth, Support group attendance and a good relationship with a Sponsor. We are most grateful that an increased number of churches have understood these principles and assist us in providing these services to clients who have graduated the program in their communities.

When you partner with Living Hope, you support our staff and programmes for those who need our help the most! At the Recovery Programme our staff come alongside clients, pointing them towards the help and hope of Christ, giving them the tools needed to be their own HERO!
John V Thomas
Executive Director
Living Hope