It’s the time of year where it’s beneficial to look back over the year gone by and look ahead to all that God has in store for us in the next year. This End of Year Newsletter is filled with exciting updates from our programmes, as we look ahead to “GROWING THROUGH 2022”! Some of you have received this newsletter already in a hard copy form but because many of you haven’t we are sending it via email.
This time of year is also incredibly important to Living Hope in that we are making plans for next year based on the financial gifts that are made at this time. We have faithfully been planting the SEEDS of hope and the SEEDS of the Gospel, reaching over 180,000 people last year with over 10 million interventions! And in 2022, we are trusting that God will GROW what we have planted! Through our 51 programmes, we are expecting to see a massive harvest of lives transformed next year. Our mission matches well with Galatians 6:9, “We do not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will REAP, if we do not give up.”
Your partnership, prayers and financial support help us to FLOURISH as an organisation, NURTURING entire families and communities through the hardships of poverty, disease and addiction. Have you made plans yet for 2022? We know you get many requests like this at this time of the year. Will you respond to participate in generosity not only to Living Hope but to others in the Lord’s work? Our end of year financial goal is R3 300 000 which has been generously matched up to R1 500 000. Get out your “watering can” and join us! Plant the seeds of HOPE in someone’s life today by donating generously towards our largest GROWTH goal ever! Sign up today at, click the blue button below or see our EFT details.
Account Holder: Living Hope – Call Account
Account Number: 62061847748
Branch code: 260 300
Bank: First National Bank
Type of account: Investment Account/Savings Account
Reference: Your email address
As 2021 draws to a close, we want to say again how thankful we are for you and your support.