by John Thomas | Sep 8, 2020 | Latest News
Two exciting announcements we want to let you know about! 1. We had a very successful 20th Annual General Meeting that was held with many friends in virtual attendance (via Zoom) in late August. We shared in detail about the happenings of our 2019/2020 financial year,...
by John Thomas | Jul 22, 2020 | Latest News
Each year on July 18th the world celebrates the life and legacy of South Africa’s first democratically elected president, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. In his honour, the United Nations General Assembly declared his birthday (18 July), Nelson Mandela International...
by John Thomas | Jul 13, 2020 | Latest News
Whew! We have been busy! As the cold winter winds have come into the Cape Town area, at Living Hope we are on the move as much as ever! So much is happening at Living Hope during Level 3 Lockdown, and it is amazing to see all of the wonderful things that our staff...
by John Thomas | Jun 14, 2020 | Latest News
Dear Living Hope Partner, With over 200 staff and over 40 programmes running at various times, Living Hope is a complex organization, which is best seen in person to understand the full impact. The same is true of the Living Hope COVID-19 response. It is best...
by John Thomas | May 8, 2020 | Latest News
We would like to start a round of applause for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU who have given financially to the COVID-19 disaster relief efforts of Living Hope!!! Can you hear us loudly cheering our “THANK YOU!!!” to you? We want to show you exactly how far your...