by Victor Thomas | Mar 29, 2015 | Latest News
Good Friday 3 April Read: Matthew 27:32-61 Today is Good Friday – a day that sometimes feels far from good. How can such a horrendous unjust death be good? Our hearts are heavy at the price Jesus had to pay for us, but yet our hearts should also be bursting with...
by Victor Thomas | Mar 24, 2015 | Latest News, Marketing
* 24 March is World TB Day, South Africa sits with the Worlds highest statistics, 400 out of 100 000 people test positive to TB. Did you know that Tuberculosis, or TB, kill more young people than any other single infectious disease. Every minute two children die of...
by Victor Thomas | Mar 20, 2015 | Latest News, Living Hope Events, Uncategorized
At our recent Partners Conference in Nashville, TN, John Thomas, our founder and current chairman of Living Hope presented a three part series called ‘God’s heart for the poor and needy’ for those who where not available to attend, we would like to...
by Victor Thomas | Feb 25, 2015 | Latest News, Life Skills Educators
The Life Skills Education Programme work with children and teens in impoverished and challenging home-circumstances in 6 different different communities to bring hope and to show God’s love. Through the various programmes offered the children have a place to...
by Victor Thomas | Jan 23, 2015 | Living Hope Events
The Factory which is a local youth ministry held at King of Kings Baptist Church every Friday evening from 7pm to 10pm are partnering with Living Hope and hosting the ‘Journey to Hope’ fun run and walkathon – all funds raised through ‘Journey...