Recognizing Excellence

On Friday, our Health Care Centre officially received the recognition they earned from COHSASA . The Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA) assists a range of health care facilities in Southern Africa to meet and maintain quality...
Ride for Recovery

Ride for Recovery

Get on your bikes and ride! Motorcycles, that is. Living Grace is hosting a Ride for Recovery Breakfast Run on 17 November 2012 beginning at 7 a.m. Meet at the Food Lover’s Market in Tokai. Cost is R100 per person and includes  breakfast and coffee.All funds...
Changing Lives through Living Way

Changing Lives through Living Way

Living Way’s Worker Readiness Course prepares employees for the workforce by teaching tangible skills such as work ethic, time management, hygiene, conflict management, CV preparation, interviews, dreams and goals. A recent class of Westlake graduates  took a...