This is a reminder at this time of the year to consider giving to Living Hope. If you give a monetary donation before the 28th of February, you will be able to deduct this later this year when you fill in your SARS tax form. Why give it to the tax-man when through your taxes, you could bless needy people in your local area?
Living Hope is surrounded by massive needs. Last year we ministered to 111 798 people whose lives we were able to touch. Join us as we seek to Bring Hope and Break the Despair of Poverty and Disease.
If you are doing year-end tax planning, then you are no doubt considering a tax-deductible donation. By giving to Living Hope you “give more, and pay less tax”.

If your company’s financial year-end is soon and you would like to receive a tax break from your hard-earned profits, or need B-BBEE points to reach your compliance targets; invest in your South Africa, and help us bring hope to our communities of operation. The Section 18A certificate is a wonderful tool for individuals to give something of their income away before the 28th of February. The amount you give comes from the top of your taxable income, thereby reducing the tax you pay. In the process, you have the joy of giving to a wonderful cause.
- We are a registered PBO that can offer a Section 18A tax certificate. It is limited to 10% of your taxable income.
- We can provide B-BBEE points for SED (Socio-Economic Development) and ED (Enterprise Development). We are thus able to offer you every possible benefit.
- We are a Level 1 B-BBEE organization and a Category A Enterprise Development Organization which therefore gives your spend 135% value add. We are a great place to give to and get something for your company in return.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness in giving over time. This is a great opportunity for you to partner with Living Hope in a powerful way. Do click the blue button below to make a financial donation or see our banking details below.
John V. Thomas
Executive Director
Account Holder: Living Hope – Call Account
Account Number: 62061847748
Branch code: 260 300
Bank: First National Bank
Type of account: Investment Account/Savings Account
Reference: Your email address
Living Hope
P.O. Box 1700