We want to make you aware that National Wills Week is coming up next week which will run from 13-17 September 2021. NOW is your chance to act and make sure that your last will and testament is up to date and that your assets would be distributed according to your wishes, should you unexpectedly pass away.
Did you know that one of the ways that you can give to Living Hope is as a beneficiary of a charitable estate bequest? If you choose to bequeath to an NPO such as Living Hope, not only will you be leaving a lasting legacy, it can also reduce the amount of tax paid by the rest of your estate so your family can get the most out of their inheritance. Living Hope is an appropriately registered Non-Profit and all Estate gifts given to Living Hope will result in that portion of your Estate not being taxed.*
If these past 18 months have taught us anything it is that we are certainly do not always know what will happen in the future and COVID-19 has shown us that anything can happen to any one of us at anytime. What a good reminder to not only make sure that you have put your trust in God’s saving grace and your faith in His son Jesus Christ, but also a good reminder to make sure that your earthly possessions will continue to support a good cause once you are in your heavenly home!
Many professional attorneys across South Africa are offering free will drafting services next week. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to create or update a valid and legal will and that you will consider leaving a portion of your estate to Living Hope. If you choose to direct a bequest to Living Hope, we encourage you to share your plans with us. Your plans will remain confidential but we would like to recognize your generosity in making a deferred gift to Living Hope. Your benevolence demonstrates an investment in Living Hope’s ministry and mission for generations to come. Please contact partners@livinghope.co.za with any questions. A sample form is attached below for your reference.**
In gratitude for your consideration and planning,
John V. Thomas
Executive Chair Living Hope