Living Hope recently hosted a community wide Open Day on the 29th of March at their Capri campus. The day included a full kid zone with face painting, jumping castles, carnival games and more. DJ Stan was streaming music throughout the day and food was available for purchase.
Living Hope once again opened up the day to local schools for a poetry competition around the theme HOPE – A Thing With Feathers. Students from Fish Hoek Primary, Marine Primary, The Rock Academy and Kommejtie Primary participated. The poetry competition winners were:
1st Place – Adara Aho Gr7 Kommejtie Primary
I’m locked on a tower,
I’ve lost the key,
I’ve lost all power
I’ve lost me.
On this tower y fears compiled,
I’ve forgotten my passion,
My heart gone mild,
I cant defeat the first pain,
Before the second’s half way of my tongue
The third strangles my throat,
The fourth compressing my lung
How can I fight your battle
When I’m losing my war
How can I carry your pain
When I’m buckling at the core
I’ve got my wings; I’ve got my feathers,
How far would I fall,
With all my tethers?
Yet hope comes in, despite my fears
“Please don’t worry, I’m always here”
It destroys my chains,
Sets me free
My hearts not tame
I am me.
It told me to soar
It’ll catch me every time
Fear the ground no more
Ill be fine
If I don’t date fly
Where will I be?
When I could reach the sky
And see all there is to see
Because hope is a things with feathers
Nothing holds it still
No chain, rope or tether
Would fight against His will
2nd Place – Nicole Wicks Gr7 Fish Hoek Primary
Hope is an amazing feeling which keeps a lot of people striving,
It cant be seen or touched but we know its there,
When times are tough and there is not much light,
Hope is the one thing that will always shine bright.
Hope can make a difference,
Hope is a powerful feeling,
It can change the world if we all start believing,
Hope can be in many forms, many ideas and many feelings,
Everybody should have hope,
If everyone stands together hope will rise,
It will rise high and soar off a mountain side,
It can be in dreams, in thoughts, in plans.
Hope can be a graceful butterfly,
Flying across the green grass over a meadow,
Hope can be a dream catcher always reminding s to be one,
To not just stand there but to make a difference and have fun.
Finally hope can be a white dove,
Soaring, flying up high,
The dove perfectly represents hope, faith and peace,
Watching those white feathers pass by.
Never just stand there and wait for hope,
Be positive hope will come, it feels like a dream coming true,
Hope can never change the past,
But hope can definitely change the future for you.
3rd Place – Holly Ringwood Gr6 Kommejie Primary
A mound of ashes brushed aside to reveal a single, glowing coal
The fire has died down, but its not too late to re-ignite now that the flames are gone
A dingle breath of wind from wings of a passing bird igniting a small flame
Carefully butured and looked after, tongues of fire leap into the air
Trying to reach the wings that brought them life and gave them hope
A fire has been reborn and like a phoenix from a flame Hope arises
A single feather drifts towards the ground, then blown away by a gust of wind
Waem thermals of air lifting hearts and birds higher,
Gales determined of blowing them away
And like a swallow determined to fly through the oncoming winds
Hope is never blown away
Tears, rivers, oceans, seas, lakes and streams all forms of what we need the most in life.
Diving down to the bottom of the ocean and then re-surfacing as droplets of water sliding off feathers
Enduring storms out at sea nd days without nourishement
And no matter how wet a Gull can be
Hope is never dampened.
A Sho cast across the earth and a watchful eye upon it too
Making its home in inhospitable places.
Mountains, tall trees and cliffs
So versatile, yet can all fit onto the earth’s surface.
Flying high enough to touch the clouds
And no matter how far away the eagle seems
Hope is never out of reach
And this to me is HOPE – A THING WITH FEATHERS …
Living Hope is grateful to local vendors who donated prizes for the poetry competition winners. A big thanks to Ratanga Theme Park, Long Beach Mall, Easy Dig Café and Michigan Spur Long Beach.
Living Hope wants to thank the youth of both Valley Christian Church and King of Kings Baptist Church for giving of their time to serve as car washers for the day.
The day offered opportunities to learn more about what Living Hope offers and what is happening in the communities with tours around our facilities. Living Hope’s mobile health clinic was on site as well for free health screenings which included BMI, blood pressure and sugar tests.
Living Hope is a NGO that seeks to reach people for Christ, bringing hope and breaking the despair of poverty and disease. Living Hope provides guidance in four ministries; Living Right, Living Care, Living Grace and Living Way – seeking to impact South Africa’s Southern Cape Peninsula with a holistic approach that works to support those both affected and infected by HIV and AIDS, and other chronic diseases – as well as several other contributing factors. For more information on Living Hope services near you, please contact our offices at 0217842800