With loud gospel music blaring from the pastor’s bakkie (truck), teens in the community of Overcome Heights excitedly took part in an community outreach. They distributed flyers, inviting teens in neighboring Capricorn to a youth event on Friday. One teen in particular enthusiastically joined in spreading the invitation. He has since invited several friends who now also attend club. This outreach gave the Overcome youth a reason to spend time together and serve together.
Overcome Heights has developed into exciting possibilities. Life Skills Educator, Enrico, is excited about his opportunity to mentor teen guys in Overcome. Enrico and the Life Skills Educators have been focusing on dealing with the boys and girls questions separately, rather than in a co-ed environment. “This has opened up new ways of relating to the guys, says Enrico. They speak to me differently, they want to spend more time together. They want more than just club. Now they want to come visit me at home and play soccer with me on Saturdays.”
Please pray for our Life Skills Educators Meagan, Stacey, Ilana, Enrico, Roger, Holden and Ivan as they work daily with the kids and teens in Capricorn and Overcome Heights.
*photo Kat Stahl