We are overjoyed to report the recent increase of international volunteer teams returning to Living Hope following the last few years of COVID-related travel challenges. Living Hope is blessed with many long-term partnerships from the USA and worldwide. Again and again, these faithful partners have sent passionate and capable volunteers to support our mission with marvellous results.
This last month, a volunteer team from Brentwood Baptist Church (BBC) from Nashville, TN, returned to Living Hope with a focus on health outreaches and a training opportunity for our management team. The team from BBC worked alongside our Community Health Workers and screened more than 400 people across five communities, with HIV testing, health metrics, and vision checks for reading glasses. They managed to screen 226 people in one day at our Ocean View branch! We are so thankful for the resources (like 400 pairs of eyeglasses!) that teams like BBC can contribute to our services at Living Hope. Donated supplies or equipment brought by visiting teams dramatically expands our reach locally. Additionally, the team provided excellent spiritual care and emotional support to our staff and clients attending the outreaches. Many times last week, the group prayed for and encouraged those facing challenging circumstances, offering comfort and hope, with several people making professions of faith. The referrals from these screenings are also essential as our health workers can pick up early signs of medical problems that need addressing at a higher level of medical care.
Below are some pictures from this week. Keep reading for how you can help Living Hope by coming on a team or visiting as a volunteer!

We loved hearing from clients “Ek kan sien” or “I can see!” after receiving their new glasses.

King of Kings Executive Pastor Neil Smith and Brentwood Baptist Missions Pastor Brett Freemon at our Red Hill event

Outreach at RedHill

Screenings in progress

Outreach at Masi

Outreach at Capricorn

Outreach at Ocean View

Thank you BBC!
The power of partnership between short-term volunteer teams and Living Hope can have a significant and positive impact on our communities in need. Collaborations like these can lead to more effective and sustainable development efforts. We are also thankful when teams have expertise to share with our staff. BBC also conducted training on the “DiSC” personal assessment tool to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace. This type of skills transfer is so vital in capacitating our local staff.
Like other faith-based non-profits, Living Hope sometimes struggles with raising awareness about our cause. Volunteer teams can serve as advocates, both during their trips and when they return home, sharing stories and experiences that shed light on the work of Living Hope and the community’s needs, helping increase our visibility.
If you or your church, student group, business, or civil association would like more information on opportunities to make an impact with a small group or team, please email partners@livinghope.co.za for details. Together, let’s commit to long-term positive change and sustainable development!
Hi everyone Id like to work with you when you have a space
I will be patient and appreciate it
Hi there and thank you for your interest in working with us! Please keep an eye on the “Jobs” tab on our website to see if there is an opportunity for you.